AquavitAquavitAquavitLovord för AquavitHow to Make AquavitLa consommation d'aquavit dans le mondeAquavit: A HUBzero-based Collaboration Portal for the AFI and SENSE ProjectsThe AquaVIT-1 intercomparison of atmospheric water vapor measurement techniquesBerentzen-Gruppe übernimmt Teile von Aquavit-HerstellerNo Vodka, Aquavit or Uisquebaugh: The Russian Connection in the Work of Seamus HeaneyNo Vodka, Aquavit or Uisquebaugh: The Russian Connection in the Work of Seamus HeaneyLight-induced sensory and chemical changes in aquavitWater of life: Aquavit is Scandinavian flavoured vodka or a Nordic version of gin. Christian Davis explores his roots