The Leopard's Kopje TraditionThe African Rock Kopje ExhibitThe origins of Leopard's Kopje: An 11th century DifaqaneThe African Rock Kopje Exhibit: Evaluation and Interpretive ElementsThe Leopard's Kopje Culture, Its Position in the Iron Age of Southern RhodesiaA LATER STONE AGE ASSEMBLAGE FROM CANTEEN KOPJE, NORTHERN CAPEThe Twin Rivers Kopje, Zambia: Stratigraphy, Fauna, and Artefact Assemblages from the 1954 and 1956 ExcavationsForaging behaviour of two rodent species inhabiting a kopje (rocky outcrop) in Tsavo West National Park, KenyaInterregional Interaction in Southern Africa: Zhizo and Leopard's Kopje Relations in Northern South Africa, Southwestern Zimbabwe, a...The use of OSL dating in unstructured sands: the archaeology and chronology of the Hutton Sands at Canteen Kopje (Northern Cape Prov...