LactucariumSyrup of lactucariumSyrup of lactucarium I. Notes on the Cultivation and Preparation of LactucariumLactuca virosa L. and Lactucarium: A molecular-pharmacological essay of analgesic potencyUeber Verunreinigung des im Handel vorkommenden Lactucarium gallicum mit Kupfer75. The triterpene group. Part XI. The non-saponifiable matter of Lactucarium germanicumDie Bitterstoffe des Milchsaftes von Lactuca virosa (III. Mitteil. über Lactucarium)XIII. Additional observations on the use of lactucarium, or lettuce opium; particularly in a case of Cynanche Laryngea, or croupFougera's compound iceland moss paste, (paté pectorale au lichen et au lactucarium.) Prepared by E. & S. Fougera. pharmacéutists a...