Untying a Lancastrian bundleLancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights by K. B. McFarlaneA Language Policy for Lancastrian EnglandTHE DEMAND FOR HOUSING: A LANCASTRIAN APPROACHUNTYING A LANCASTRIAN BUNDLE: ECOSYSTEM VALUATION IN WETLAND MITIGATIONJohn Lydgate: Poetry, Culture, and Lancastrian England.The Drama of Speech Acts: Shakespeare's Lancastrian Tetralogy"Lancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights", K. B. McFarlane, Oxford 1972 : [recenzja] / Hubert Izdebski.Untying a Lancastrian bundle: valuing ecosystems and ecosystem services for wetland mitigation.Localized product innovation: the role of proximity in the Lancastrian product space