- However, due to the low temperature in winter, the rate of gas production in the marsh gas tank becomes lower, even the marsh gas tanks are frosted.
Lapse Rate
Lapse rate
Lapse Rate
Alpine Climate
Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Air Temperature Lapse Rates in Alpine Regions
Climate and vegetation in China (I). Changes in the altitudinal lapse rate of temperature and distribution of sea level temperature
Surface temperature lapse rates over complex terrain: Lessons from the Cascade Mountains
Lapse rate changes in northern England
Seasonal and Synoptic Variations in Near-Surface Air Temperature Lapse Rates in a Mountainous Basin
Lapse rates and other variables applied to estimating paleoaltitudes from fossil floras
Atmospheric Lapse Rate Regimes and Their Parameterization.
An Empirical Study on the Lapse Rate: The Cointegration Approach
JSTOR: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, Vol. 31, No. 2 (May, 1999), pp. 151-164