Modifications to the Bullard laryngoscope; when time is short
The GlideScope Video Laryngoscope: randomized clinical trial in 200 patients.
Tracheal intubation using a Macintosh laryngoscope or a GlideScope® in 15 patients with cervical spine immobilization
Hemodynamic responses to tracheal intubation with laryngoscope versus lightwand intubating device (Trachlight) in adults with normal...
Evaluation of intubation using the Airtraq or Macintosh laryngoscope by anaesthetists in easy and simulated difficult laryngoscopy--...
Evaluation of ease of intubation with the GlideScope or Macintosh laryngoscope by anaesthetists in simulated easy and difficult lary...
Comparison of Macintosh, Truview EVO2®, Glidescope®, and Airwayscope® laryngoscope use in patients with cervical spine immobiliza...
A comparison of tracheal intubation using the Airtraq or the Macintosh laryngoscope in routine airway management: A randomised, cont...
Learning and performance of tracheal intubation by novice personnel: a comparison of the Airtraq®; and Macintosh laryngoscope
Cervical spine motion: a fluoroscopic comparison during intubation with lighted stylet, GlideScope, and Macintosh laryngoscope