- He becomes the laughing stock when his pants split open.
他的裤子开裂使他成为众人的笑柄。 - If you do that, you will make yourself a laughing stock.
Laughing Stock
Laughing stock
Laughing Stock
news round up: ofsted ‘not good enough’ to protect children
European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'
The 76ers went from the laughing-stock of the league to the team nobody wants to see in the playoffs after years of 'Trusting the Pr...
Once the Terror of His Flock – Now the Laughing Stock: Rise and Decay of the Clerical Master Narrative in Modern Irish Literature a...
These anti-weed ads featuring "stoner sloths"have become the laughingstock of the internet
Making an American “Impenetrable Underground Wall” the Laughing Stock of the World — Leave It to the People of Gaza
Florida’s Sun-Sentinel Is America’s Pravda And The Laughing Stock Of America
Ozil Turns from Wenger a Laughing Stock into a High Roller; MOVES & AFTERMATH OF TRANSFER DEADLINE DAY THE NEWS, Football Spy Specia...
Ozil Turns Wenger from Laughing Stock into a High Roller; GUNNERS SMASH CLUB RECORD ON GERMAN ACE; Football Spy SPECIAL THE NEWS, MO...
I can't watch BGT now... they make a laughing stock of too many people