- For just a few moments she was a real layperson again.
几片刻她再是真正的外行。 - The layperson cannot really understand mental illness.
Layperson CPR — are we training the right people?
Expert and layperson perceptions of ecosystem risk
Smile esthetics from the layperson's perspective
Lectures for a layperson: Methods for revealing unconscious processes.
Barriers and Biases in Computer-Mediated Expert-Layperson-Communication
The layperson's perception of medicine as perspective into the utilization of multiple therapy systems in the Indian context
Information about a layperson's knowledge supports experts in giving effective and efficient online advice to laypersons
Esthetics and smile characteristics from the layperson's perspective: a computer-based survey study
Esthetics and Smile Characteristics From the Layperson's Perspective: A Computer Based Survey Study, Part II
Prospective, randomized trial of the effectiveness and retention of 30-min layperson training for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and ...