Leaf age and season influence the relationships between leaf nitrogen, leaf mass per area and photosynthesis in maple and oak trees
Leaf age structure and canopy photosynthesis in rotationally and continuously grazed swards
Photosynthesis of tropical pasture plants. III. Leaf age
Extension of a Farquhar model for limitations of leaf photosynthesis induced by light environment, phenology and leaf age in grapevi...
The leafage of a chordal graph
Carbon metabolism in spinach leaves as affected by leaf age and phosphorus and sulfur nutrition.
Carbon Metabolism in Spinach Leaves as Affected by Leaf Age and Phosphorus and Sulfur Nutrition
Insect Herbivory on a Tropical Understory Tree: Effects of Leaf Age and Habitat
Interactive effects of leaf age and self-shading on leaf structure, photosynthetic capacity and {\ldots}
Changes with Leaf Age in Stomatal Function and Water Status of Several Tropical Tree Species