A lotus-leaf-like superhydrophobic surface: a porous microsphere/nanofiber composite film prepared by electrohydrodynamics.
Superhydrophobic behavior of a perfluoropolyether lotus-leaf-like topography
Fabrication of a silver-ragwort-leaf-like super-hydrophobic micro/nanoporous fibrous mat surface by electrospinning
Ectopic expression of the petunia MADS box gene UNSHAVEN accelerates flowering and confers leaf-like characteristics to floral organ...
Incorporation of MWCNTs into leaf-like CuO nanoplates for superior reversible Li-ion storage
Leaflike shaft of a hip-joint prosthesis for anchoring in the femur
Phytoplasma Effector SAP54 Induces Indeterminate Leaf-Like Flower Development in Arabidopsis Plants
A stable lotus-leaf-like water-repellent copper
Biomimetic fabrication of lotus-leaf-like structured polyaniline film with stable superhydrophobic and conductive properties
Advanced Anticorrosive Coatings Prepared from the Mimicked Xanthosoma Sagittifolium-leaf-like Electroactive Epoxy with Synergistic E...