用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- address a letter在信封上写姓名地址
- answer a letter回一封信
- close a letter结束一封信
- date a letter在信上注明日期
- deliver letters投递信件
- drop a letter投信
- expect a letter等信
- fold a letter将信折叠
- forward a letter转交信
- get a letter收到信
- glance over a letter匆匆看一封信
- have a letter收到信
- hold up letter扣压信件
- leave a letter把信留下
- mail a letter寄信
- open a letter拆信
- post a letter寄信
- push the letter塞信
- put a letter放信
- read a letter看信
- receive a letter收到信件
- reply a letter回一封信
- send a letter寄信
- sign a letter在信上签名
- smooth out a letter把一封信弄平整
- sort letters分拣信件
- stamp a letter在信上贴邮票
- take (down) a letter把信速记下来
- tear open a letter撕开信封
- type a letter打一封信
- write a letter写信
- go by the letter遵守字面条文
- know letters识字
- obey the letter遵守条文
- put letter印字母
形容词+~- angry letter愤怒的信
- blindletter无法投递的信
- cold letter态度冷淡的信
- cover letter(附于包裹或信件内的)附信
- dead letter无法投递的信件
- dry letter干巴巴的信,枯燥无味的信
- express letter快信
- long letter长信
- official letter官方信件,公函
- open letter公开信
- personal letter私信
- warm letter热情的信
名词+~- business letter商业信件
- chain letter连锁信
- fan letter(向明星表示崇拜的)影〔球〕迷信
- love letter情书
- night letter夜间电报、夜信函
- sea letter海上通行证
- black letter黑体字
- block letter印刷字母
- call letters呼号
- capital letter大写字母
- large letter大写字母
- small letter小写字母
- strange letter奇怪的字母
- the first letter第一个字母
~+名词- letter book书信册
- letter box邮政信箱
- letter case袖珍信件夹
- letter drop投信口
- letter form书信形式
- letter sheet信纸
介词+~- by letter通过写信
- in a letter在信中
- on a letter在信上
- letter by letter一个字母一个字母地
- in letter在字面上
- to the letter严格按照文字
~+介词- letter about关于…的信
- letter from来自…的信
- letter on the matter有关此事的信
- letter to发往…的信
- the letter of the law法律的字面意义
- the letters of the sign标牌的字母
letter of credit n. [商](银行发行的)信用证
to the letter严格地,不折不扣地;严格按照字句
write a letter写信
by letter以书信形式
cover letter附信
irrevocable letter of credit不可撤销信用证
open letter n. 公开信
love letter情书
invitation letter邀请函
letter of recommendation保荐信,介绍信
application letter申请信,申请报告;求职信
send a letter寄信
business letter商业信函
capital letter大写字母
letter of intent n. 意向书;合同之草约
confirmation letter确认信函
letter writing书信写法;书信写作;尺牍
letter of introduction介绍信
call letter推销商品的信件
recommendation letter推荐信
message, correspondence, letter, note
letter, alphabet, script, character
- She balled the letter into a wad.
她将信揉成一团。 - I acknowledged her letter at once.
我马上告知收到了她的信。 - The kids are learning to trace the letter.
孩子们学描字母。 - Anger is one letter away from danger.
- He wrote these words after he had lapped up his letter.
他是把信折好以后才又写下了这些话的。 - While composing a letter on a computer you may interrupt the computer's rest with a short burst of key pounding and then let it return to idleness as you compose the next sentence.
当你在计算机上写信时,随着敲击键盘产生的短脉冲会打断计算机的休息,接着当你写下一句话的时候,它会返回到无所事事的状态。 - The printer has dropped a letter here.
印刷者在这儿遗漏了一个字母。 - I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great.
Letter: Prognosis in coma
Letter to nature: Extinction risk from climate change
Effects of noise letters upon the identification of a target letter in a nonsearch task
"Diagnostic criteria for use in psychiatric research": Letter.
Letter abstract - Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and PICALM associated with Alzheimer's Disease
Letter by Reiffel regarding article, "Risk of bleeding with 2 doses of dabigatran compared with warfarin in older and younger patien...
An interactive activation model of context effects in letter perception: I. An account of basic findings.
Reanalysis and revision of the Cambridge reference sequence for human mitochondrial DNA (letter)
Health Risks from Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation: BEIR VII, Phase I, Letter Report (1998)
Letter by Nieminen et al regarding article, "Differential impact of blood pressure-lowering drugs on central aortic pressure and cli...