The Protein Data Bank: a computer-based archival file for macromolecular structures
Perceptual and Archival Measures of Miles and Snow's Strategic Types: A Comprehensive Assessment of Reliability and Validity
Quantitative gene expression analysis in microdissected archival tissue by real-time RT-PCR.
The Paradox of Success: An Archival and a Laboratory Study of Strategic Persistence Following Radical Environmental Change
A high frequency of sequence alterations is due to formalin fixation of archival specimens.
Her-2/neu analysis in archival tissue samples of human breast cancer: comparison of immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hy...
Quantitative gene expression analysis in microdissected archival formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumor tissue.
Sensitivity of HER-2/neu antibodies in archival tissue samples: potential source of error in immunohistochemical studies of oncogene...
Application of DNA flow cytometry to paraffin-embedded archival material for the study of aneuploidy and its clinical significance
Detection and quantitation of HER-2/neu gene amplification in human breast cancer archival material using fluorescence in situ hybri...