- He had to lie over the banister because he was getting dizzy.
他感到晕眩,只得靠在栏杆上。 - The final decision should lodge with the chairman.
应由主席做最终决定。 - We may as well provide you with special packing if you insist, but the extra cost will is for your account.
Forced together by fate, bound together by desire
Salmond stands up for social workers - Mad World
Promoter Polymorphisms in Matrix Metallopeptidase 1 and Risk of Cutaneous Melanoma
Device for measuring the movement of a motor vehicle
Exploring Students Responses on Free-Response Science Items in TIMSS
Primary care characteristics and population-orientated health care across Europe: an observational study
Performance in Educational Math Games: Is It a Question of Math Knowledge?
Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance with Carbon Nanotubes Incorporating into Hole Transport Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells
Thrombolysis in Acute Childhood Stroke: Design and Challenges of the Thrombolysis in Pediatric Stroke Clinical Trial
How to Lie with Maps