The Presentation of Everyday LifeSome Textual Strategies for “Adequate Ethnography”
Social Capacity and the Styles of Group LifeSome Inconvenient Wellsprings of Democracy
Early-Life-Some Liked It Hot
Endogenous compounds labeled with radionuclides of short half-life-some perspectives.
Impact of Repeated Nitriding Cycles on Extrusion Die Life—Some Statistical and Metallurgical Observations
The effect of some growth regulators on the recovery of nitrogen-deficient maize plants.
Book Review: Some Principles of the Religious LifeSome Principles of the Religious Life. From the writings of NealeJohn Mason. S.P.C...
Quantum Immortality and the Many Lives of Schrodinger's Cat: Forget the Afterlife-Some Physicists Think You Might Already Be Immortal
Getting there Modelling life—some hints and structures
Small size in early pregnancy linked to poor heart health later in lifeSome people have basic questions about how pregnancy happens...