Walter Greatorex
3D reconstruction of SOFC anodes using a focused ion beam lift-out technique
Coordinated isotopic and mineralogic analyses of planetary materials enabled by in situ lift‐out with a focused ion beam scanning e...
Applications of the FIB lift-out technique for TEM specimen preparation
Focused Ion Beam Milling and Micromanipulation Lift-Out for Site Specific Cross-Section Tem Specimen Preparation
Focused‐ion‐beam fabrication of ZnO nanorod‐based UV photodetector using the in‐situ lift‐out technique
Method for sample separation and lift-out with one cut
Transmission electron microscope specimen preparation of Zn powders using the focused ion beam lift-out technique
Lift-out probe having an extension tip, methods of making and using, and analytical instruments employing same
Application of focused ion beam lift‐out specimen preparation to TEM, SEM, STEM, AES and SIMS analysis