- fell unconscious
- A three-day countdown for a mission to the international space station had been scheduled to start on Monday, leading to a Thursday liftoff from the Kennedy Space Center.
本来这个星期一将是航天飞机发射的倒数第三日,也就是说按照原计划这星期四航天飞机应该从肯尼迪航天中心发射升空。 - Tragedy struck on what was to be a routine liftoff from Coruscant.
Laser liftoff structure and related methods
Process for CMP assisted liftoff
Liftoff characteristics of turbulent jet diffusion flames
Optical Process for Liftoff of Group III‐Nitride Films
Enhanced planarization liftoff structure and method for making the same
Alignable epitaxial liftoff of GaAs materials with selective deposition using polyimide diaphragms
Van der Waals bonding of GaAs epitaxial liftoff films onto arbitrary substrates
Models of the Large-Scale Corona. I. Formation, Evolution, and Liftoff of Magnetic Flux Ropes
Use of patterned laser liftoff process and electroplating nickel layer for the fabrication of vertical-structured GaN-based light-em...
Cell sheet detachment affects the extracellular matrix: a surface science study comparing thermal liftoff, enzymatic, and mechanical...