Functional effects of different defense enzymes on banded leaf and sheath blight of maize.Spiriferella and Spiriferelloides(Brachiopoda) from the Lower Permian of Xi Ujimqin Qi Region,Inner MonggoliaDothiorella species associated with woody hosts in ItalyDiorygma fuscum sp. nov. from ChinaAn unusual and persistent contamination of drinking water by cutting oilGas chromatographic-mass spectrometric, high-performance liquid chromatographic-UV and gas chromatographic-Fourier transform IR resp...Soil organic matter mobilization by root exudates.DPP-4 (CD26) Inhibitor Alogliptin Inhibits Atherosclerosis in Diabetic Apolipoprotein E-Deficient MiceBiological activity of soil organic matter mobilized by root exudatesAdipocyte-Mononuclear Cell Interaction, Toll-like Receptor 4 Activation, and High Glucose Synergistically Up-regulate Osteopontin Ex...