- I can live in clover when I get that position.
我得到那个职位便可过上优裕的生活。 - It's comfortable here. We live in clover and get everything we want.
Effect of ewe stocking rate in spring on subterranean clover persistence and lamb liveweight gain
Effect of ewe stocking rate in spring on subterranean clover persistence and lamb liveweight gain
Liveweight change and wool growth in young sheep grazing a mixed saltbush and balansa clover pasture
Variation in liveweight gain with grass species in grass-clover pastures.
Effect of clover bay and clover silage on milk production, fat content of milk and increase in live weight in dairy cows. Results of...
Bloat incidence and liveweight gain in beef cattle on pastures containing different proportions of white clover (Trifolium repens)
Wesley Clover seeks tech acquisitions in India
The effect of three allowances of red clover on Red deer fawn growth and liveweight change in lactating hinds.
Sheep live weight changes in perennial ryegrass-white clover pastures according to the available sward height, breed and season.
Can herb-clover mixes increase lamb liveweight gains in spring?