- Everything recorded in logbook must be true and accurate
记入航海日志的一切内容必须真实准确 - But the captain insists to think logbook is a fact and cannot alter.
但是船长坚持认为航海日志记得是事实,不能改动。 - I use that notebook as my logbook.
Logbook emulet
Standardizing catch rates: is logbook information by itself enough?
An investigation into the use and content of the engineer's logbook
The distribution of certain whales as shown by logbook records of American whaleships.
Comparison of data from voluntary logbook and research catch-sampling programmes in the New Zealand lobster fishery
Comparison of logbook reports of incidental blue shark catch rates by Hawaii-based longline vessels to fishery observer data by appl...
VMStools: Open-source software for the processing, analysis and visualisation of fisheries logbook and VMS data
Musculoskeletal complaints among nurses related to patient handling tasks and psychosocial factors--based on logbook registrations