LuftwaffeThe Luftwaffe War DiariesThe Luftwaffe's Army Support Doctrine, 1918-1941Secret Weapons of the LuftwaffeAmerican Raiders: The Race to Capture the Luftwaffeâ??s SecretsA comparative analysis of RAF and Luftwaffe intelligence in the battle of Britain, 1940From ‘uralbomber’ to ‘amerikabomber’: The Luftwaffe and strategic bombingThe interrogator: the story of Hans-Joachim Scharff, master interrogator of the LuftwaffeSteroid hormones and the Luftwaffe. A venture into fundamental strategic research and some of its consequences: the Birch reduction ...Schlachtfeld Bundesrepublik? Europa, die deutsche Luftwaffe und der Strategiewechsel der NATO 1958 bis 1968 (The Federal Republic in...