- Septwolves is now so successful that it has sired a whole lair of lupine copycats.
Lupine-induced anaphylaxis.Adverse reaction to lupine-fortified pastaLupine allergy: not simply cross-reactivity with peanut or soy.BUSH LUPINE MORTALITY, ALTERED RESOURCE AVAILABILITY, AND ALTERNATIVE VEGETATION STATESPotential of bigleaf lupine for building and sustaining Osmia lignaria populations for pollination of apple.Cross-allergenicity of peanut and lupine: the risk of lupine allergy in patients allergic to peanuts.Entomopathogenic nematodes: natural enemies of root-feeding caterpillars on bush lupineThe role of acid anion on the inhibition of the acidic corrosion of steel by lupine extractOutcrossing rate and inbreeding depression in the perennial yellow bush lupine, Lupinus arboreus (Fabaceae)High mortality, fluctuation in numbers, and heavy subterranean insect herbivory in bush lupine, Lupinus arboreus