- A miser lusts after gold.
A SIMPLE IN-LINE PULSE WAVE DEVICE RESTORES PULSATILE PRESSURE DURING, AND BARORECEPTOR CONTROL AFTER CARDIOPULMONARY BYPASS.Earthworm biomass and species diversity in windthrow sites of a temperate lowland forestStory of a woman who was deprived from sex for a long, long time. Rough sex... lust...Genomic plasticity of the Luck renal carcinoma: a reviewELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF NANOPOROUS CARBON ELECTRODES[Epidemic of dysentery caused by Shigella sonnei after eating fresh cheese]Swelling and fibronectin accumulation in articular cartilage explants after cyclical impactTransmission of relaxin from lactating bitches to their offspring via suckling.Neuroprotection in diet-induced ketotic rat brain after focal ischemiaActivation of caspase-12, an endoplasmic reticulum resident caspase, after permanent focal ischemia in rat