- The maidservant valeted my mother very well.
The Book of the Maidservant
Chinese Maidservant Saving Team in Xiamen of Republican China
Dispatching Canaanite Maidservants to the Pharaoh
The maidservant in the attic: Rewriting Stevenson's in Valerie Martin's
On Maidservants' Marriages in Ancient China from a perspective Ching Ping-mei
Misuse of a maidservant's services at Deir el-Medina (O.CGC 25237, recto)
The representation of maidservants in the work of Berthe Morisot
A Maidservant and Her Master's Voice: Discourse, Identity, and Eros in Rabbinic Texts
The diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian maidservant
The Diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian Maidservant (Book)