- There is a swelling in my left armpit.
我的左边腋窝有一个肿块。 - Please put this thermometer under your armpit and let me feel your pulse.
请把温度计放在腋窝,我来摸摸你的脉。 - Detroit was considered the armpit of America in the 1970s.
Practical and humane method for armpit odor care
Self-referent phenotype matching in a brood parasite: the armpit effect in brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater)
Small-Time Political Fixers in India's States: "Towel over Armpit"
The armpit effect in hamster kin recognition
Kin recognition and the ‘armpit effect’: evidence of self–referent phenotype matching
The use of passive injectable transponders in fattening lambs from birth to slaughter: effects of injection position, age, and breed
Nonlinear Mesoscopic Elasticity: Evidence for a New Class of Materials
Mini-Review on the Cellular Mechanisms of Disease
Different colors reveal different information: how nutritional stress affects the expression of melanin- and structurally based orna...
Altruism via kin-selection strategies that rely on arbitrary tags with which they coevolve