- I tried to make sure of the problem.
我想把这个问题弄明白。 - Having gained political ties from canny surrenders, Mr Rong made sure he used them.
Make sure it's service learning, not just community service
How to make sure your spirometry tests are of good quality.
Missing feature theory in ASR : make sure you miss the right type of features
Flow control in our vessels: vascular valves make sure there is no way back.
"She took the time to make sure she understood:"Mental Health patients' experiences of being understood
“She Took the Time to Make Sure She Understood”: Mental Health Patients' Experiences of Being Understood
Found in translation. In multicultural marketing, make sure you speak your customer's language
"We Had to Be There to Make Sure It Was What We Wanted": Enabling Children's Participation in Family Decision-Making through the Fam...
Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor,... But Make Sure They Have a Green Card: The Effects of Documented and Undocumented Migrant Context o...
Get Your Act Together: Newspapers Warned They Had Better Make Sure They Are in Compliance with Environmental Regulations or Face Cri...