- He was sure of Jack's innocence.
他确信杰克是无辜的。 - I am sure we shall be very comfortable.
Smoking, HIV status, and HIV risk behaviors in a respondent-driven sample of injection drug users in Baltimore, Maryland: The BeSure...
How to be sure of finding a root of a complex polynomial using Newton's method
Can you be sure of your experts
Mobile Application Can Pay but Be Sure of Your Targets ; Ask
Effect of calcium supplementation during pregnancy on blood pressure of offspring. Authors cannot be sure of effect's generalisabili...
Are current quality systems in nurse education fit for purpose: can we really be sure of current standards?
Can You Be Sure of Ken Saro-Wiwa?
Where you are doubtful of doing good, be sure of doing no harm.
How to be sure of the topological character of quantum anomalous Hall edge modes?
Peanut farmers warned to be sure of approved warehouse storage