[Hypoxia in cancer malignity. Review].[Synovialoma and its malignity problem].[On the progression of malignity: a hypothesis]Motiveless malignity: Problems in the psychotherapy of psychopathic patientsRaritní histologická varianta malignity těla děložníhoMalignity-like peritoneal tuberculosis associated with abdominal mass, ascites and elevated serum Ca125 levelUse of multidimensional data analysis for prediction of lung malignityIntramural esophageal bronchogenic cyst: Mimicking malignity and support of PET-CT in the diagnosis[Prognosis and fertility after conservative treatment for ovarian tumors of limited malignity: review of 68 cases]Renal angiomyolipoma with malignant transformation, simultaneous occurrence with malignity and other complex clinical situations.