- It made his great nose protrude more arrogantly.
这就使得他的大鼻子更加傲慢地翘起来。 - This does not mean those outside Venezuela arrogantly giving lectures about what is necessary.
`Arrogantly Defensive' Water Firms Are Accused
Obama arrogantly declares, "We don't quit!"
Rex Nettleford: Arrogantly Brillant
'Death by Varuba!' Congressman arrogantly tells doctors
Cogitans: Thinking Man, Not Arrogantly 'Knowing' H Sapiens
Universally comprehensible, arrogantly local. South African labour studies from the apartheid era into the new millennium
The birth-place of St. Patrick. In reply to English and other pretenders who arrogantly call the Holy Apostle of Ireland their count...
Inside Politics : Even after All the Scandals over Bad Management and Downright Dishonesty, SSE Arrogantly Failed to Learn, Writes T...
Global Lawgiver?: The UN Security Council Arrogantly Considers Itself the Lawgiver for the World, and the Bush Administration's Subm...
Party co-leader Dr Russell Norman said: "John Key is arrogantly rushing the Meridian sale when he should be waiting for Kiwis to hav...