nuclear arsenal核武库;核军火库
arsenal fc 阿森纳(Arsenal Football Club,英国职业足球俱乐部)
- Even the workers at the arsenal have got a secret organization.
兵工厂工人暗中也有组织。 - The cannon on the Arsenal crest bears great similarity with those on the crest of the Royal Arsenal Gatehouse in Woolwich.
阿森纳徽章上的大炮和伍里奇市皇家兵工厂大门上的徽章极为相似。 - Cade has a small arsenal of weapons, including a collection of antique blasters liberated on various missions.
凯德拥有一个小型军械库,收集了在任务中缴获来的各种老式爆能枪。 - I was shocked to discover that it was an arsenal containing an array of antiquated armor and armament.
- Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game.
阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。 - Think Viera with Arsenal, Keane with Man Utd.
Cyanide in the chemical arsenal of garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata
Motion Tracking: No Silver Bullet, but a Respectable Arsenal
Fusarium oxysporum: exploring the molecular arsenal of a vascular wilt fungus [Review]
The ABCs of granule-mediated cytotoxicity: new weapons in the arsenal.
Assembling an Arsenal: Origin and Evolution of the Snake Venom Proteome Inferred from Phylogenetic Analysis of Toxin Sequences
Mechanisms of regulatory T-cell suppression - a diverse arsenal for a moving target.
Fourth generation fluoroquinolones: new weapons in the arsenal of ophthalmic antibiotics
El arsenal de Cartagena, del esplendor del siglo XVIII a la crisis de principios del XIX: de Trafalgar a la Guerra de la Independenc...
High-mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1): nuclear weapon in the immune arsenal.
Sojka DK, Huang YH, Fowell DJMechanisms of regulatory T-cell suppression-a diverse arsenal for a moving target. Immunology 124:13-22