- The newly-born baby aroused her mothering instinct.
新生儿激起她的母性本能。 - The orphans kindled the woman's maternal instincts.
Maternal instinct
Maternal instinct
The Maternal Instinct
The maternal instinct in animal subjects. I
XVIII. Notes on Maternal Instinct in Rhynchota
Plant development:: Medea's maternal instinct
Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species
Maternal Instincts: Visions of Motherhood and Sexuality in Britain, 1875-1925 (review)
Maternal Instincts, Biological Clocks, and Soccer Moms: Gay Men's Parenting and Family Narratives
Regulating "Maternal Instinct": Governing Mentalities of Late Twentieth-Century U.S. Illicit Drug Policy
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and perversion of the maternal instinct
The corpus luteum: an ovarian structure with maternal instincts and suicidal tendencies