十天突破雅思写作 分卷+必备掌中宝(剑9版) 慎小嶷词汇表

十天突破雅思写作 分卷+必备掌中宝(剑9版) 慎小嶷词汇表
poach food chain man made artificial natural moral substitute Laboratory Animals minimise vivisection vaccine medical research activist animal rights abiding prison repeat offender violent crime nonviolent bring to justice trauma right inmate prisoner break the law break down biodegradable chain reaction ozone layer greenhouse effect hybrid vehicle electric car emission greenhouse gas exhaust fume wastewater sewage resource nonrenewable energy source renewable crop yield fertile soil farmland agricultural agriculture toxic poisonous pollutant irreversible damage permanent overgraze dust storm deforestation damage footprint carbon reuse environmentally friendly conservationist environmentalist ecological equilibrium ecological balance souvenir cuisine multisensory first hand respectful interact sightseeing drug addiction domestic violence dysfunctional single parent virtue among belonging sense syndrome nest life expectancy greying ageing population housework maternal instinct childbearing bia opposite sex sexism gender discrimination multinational company geographic disappearance disappear unique reluctant conservative historic site precious valuable equal opportunity ethnic minority interaction stone carve communication mean die out bilingual population ageing birth control family planning population boom carcinogen immune system dietary habit dietary habit intake nutritious protein fiber healthy cardiovascular disease obese obesity food additives frozen unbalanced salt calorie high fat stamina endurance sedentary lifestyle sleep deprivation insomnia disease anxiety stress depression treatment treat pool constraint work schedule flexible telecommuting telecommute loyal loyalty promotion progression politic supervisor coworker colleague workload job security morale increase incentive job satisfaction relocate urban residents respiratory disease respiratory smoggy smog urbanisation selection wide charge admission office block commercial building skyscraper appearance central business district residential area zoning overcrowded city planning significance historical disposable income needy wealthy widen poverty jaywalk reckless offender pedestrian collision car accident traffic congestion traffic jams commuter reliance on Dependence on gasoline petrol traffic volume ownership transport vehicle mode selfish greedy mentality mindset supply lag behind economic prosperity economic boom system public transport infrastructure indifferent concerned about donation donate retirement retire healthcare system public welfare labour shortage workforce unemployment rate weapon space race sovereignty national security arms race give priority to pressing urgent burden expenditure government spending budget fund attempt to do strive sensible policy