- What a measly birthday present!
多麽小气的生日礼物哇! - He gave us measly little portions of cake.
Measly target paymentsThe BMJ’s measly editorial policiesGOODBYE, measly MLM income. HELLO, $60,000 PER MONTHThe Beef Tapeworm, Measly Beef, and Sewage: A ReviewBlackBerry Agrees to Sell Itself for a Measly $5B - Innovation InsightsOklahoma's Budget Stabilization fund Drawn Down. to a Measly $2GSK fined measly $90,000 by Argentine court for killing 14 babies in illegal vaccine trials; drug giant actually appealingAround the Bloc: Russia Outrages Romanians with Measly Donation to Buy Brancusi Statue[Survival of cysticerci in different culinary methods of treatment of measly beef]Measly but motley and manifest: The typological and chemical characterisations of glass beads from the Southern Waterberg, Limpopo P...