arthrodiaArthrodia linearisArthrodiaphyseal prosthesis in skeletal neoplasm of local malignancy. (Presentation of two cases)HEMMER DES ABBAUS DER EXTRAZELLULÄREN MATRIX VON ARTHRODIA-KNORPELTypification and status of Amphiroa cryptarthrodia Zanardini (Lithophylloideae, Corallinales, Rhodophyta)The Influence of Eccentricity to Machine's Driving Performance in the Eccentricity Brace Arthrodia MachineHemmer des abbaus der extrazellulären matrix von arthrodia-knorpel Inhibitors of the degradation of the extracellular matrix of ca...Relationships between Arthrodial Membrane Formation and Addition of Setae to Swimming Legs 1-4 during Development of Dioithona ocula...Initial experience of use of an articulated external fixator in treating Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease by means of arthrodiastasis dur...Artrodiastase para o tratamento da rigidez do quadril na artrite reumatoide juvenil (ARJ): resultados preliminares Arthrodiastasis f...