- WMLs often occur in patients with medulloblastoma or PNET who have been treated with radiation and high-dose chemotherapy following surgery.
脑白质损伤经常发生于手术后接受放疗和大剂量化疗的成神经管细胞瘤或者小脑幕上原始神经外胚瘤患者。 - In what's believed to be a first, the Duke team had identified two types of cells in the brain that can give rise to the malignant brain tumor medulloblastoma.
Medulloblastoma Comprises Four Distinct Molecular Variants
Medulloblastoma growth inhibition by hedgehog pathway blockade.
A molecular fingerprint for medulloblastoma.
Treatment of Medulloblastoma with Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitor GDC-0449
Molecular subgroups of medulloblastoma: the current consensus
Altered neural cell fates and medulloblastoma in mouse patched mutants
The genetic landscape of the childhood cancer medulloblastoma.
Genomics identifies medulloblastoma subgroups that are enriched for specific genetic alterations
Smoothened mutation confers resistance to a Hedgehog pathway inhibitor in medulloblastoma.
Loss of patched and disruption of granule cell development in a pre-neoplastic stage of medulloblastoma