Optimum Megawatt-Frequency Control of Multiarea Electric Energy Systems
A Megawatt-Scale Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Setup for Motor Drives
Step-up DC-DC converter for megawatt size applications
The Megawatt-Frequency Control Problem: A New Approach Via Optimal Control Theory
Life cycle assessment of a multi-megawatt wind turbine
Generation of megawatt optical solitons in hollow-core photonic band-gap fibers.
1 Megawatt, 20 kHz, isolated, bidirectional 12kV to 1.2kV DC-DC converter for renewable energy applications
Life Cycle Assessment of Multi-Megawatt Wind Turbines with Carbon Nanofiber-Modified Rotors
Modeling of emergency diesel generators in an 800 megawatt nuclear power plant
Vielpol-Synchrongenerator für getriebelose Horizontalachsen-Windkraftanlagen mit Nennleistungen bis zu mehreren Megawatt