- There's something wrong with his machine; the wheels aren't meshing properly with each other.
Meshing Multiple Alliances
Variational tetrahedral meshing
Provably good sampling and meshing of surfaces
Meshing Piecewise Linear Complexes by Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedralizations
Provably good sampling and meshing of Lipschitz surfaces
Accurate multi-view reconstruction using robust binocular stereo and surface meshing
Modified involute helical gears: computerized design, simulation of meshing and stress analysis
Detecting Fatigue Cracks in Gears by Amplitude and Phase Demodulation of the Meshing Vibration
Asymmetric modified spur gear drives: reduction of noise, localization of contact, simulation of meshing and stress analysis
Comparison between angular sampling and angular resampling methods applied on the vibration monitoring of a gear meshing in non stat...