Shellfish Gathering and Shell Midden Archaeology
Shellfish Gathering and Shell Midden Archaeology
A 16,000 14C yr B.P. packrat midden series from the USAâMexico Borderlands
Eighth Millennium Pottery from a Prehistoric Shell Midden in the Brazilian Amazon
Distinguishing characteristics of Mount Graham red squirrel midden sites.
Molecular analysis of an 11,700-year-old rodent midden from the Atacama Desert, Chile.
Pollen analyses from a 50 000‐yr rodent midden series in the southern Atacama Desert (25° 30′ S)
Amino acid studies of the Del Mar, California, midden site: Apparent rate constants, ground temperature models, and chronological im...
Biomes of western North America at 18,000, 6000 and 014Cyrbp reconstructed from pollen and packrat midden data
Vegetation invasions into absolute desert: A 45;th000 yr rodent midden record from the Calama-Salar de Atacama basins, northern Chil...