Association between insertion mutation in NOD2 gene and Crohn's disease in German and British populationsCrystal Structure of the Conserved Core of HIV-1 Nef Complexed with a Src Family SH3 DomainIJMS, Vol. 14, Pages 9643-9684: Physiological, Biochemical, and Molecular Mechanisms of Heat Stress Tolerance in PlantsStudying Recommendation Algorithms by Graph AnalysisMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FORMING A CAVITY IN SOFT TISSUE OR BONEGenerative adversarial netsGenerative Adversarial NetsSimplified Staging for Hepatocellular CarcinomaAllogeneic peripheral-blood progenitor-cell transplantation for poor-risk patients with metastatic breast cancer.Cholangiocarcinoma complicating primary sclerosing cholangitis: a 24-year experience.