- In a sense she was misled by the advertisement's claims, and expected too much of the product.
从某种意义上说,她是受到了广告的哄骗,因此对此产品期望过高。 - You misled me as to your intentions.
你误使我对你的意图信以为真。 - We were misled by the guide.
向导给我们引错了路。 - He misled me into thinking he was rich.
Misled subjects may know more than their performance implies.Are Investors Misled by “Pro Forma” Earnings?Eyewitness testimony: Were we misled?Are Investors Misled by “Pro Forma” Earnings? *Misled by the Wedge? : The Swan-Ganz Catheter and Left Ventricular PreloadPoor Numbers:How We Are Misled by African Development Statistics and What to Do about ItSurrogate end points in clinical trials: are we being misled?When are phylogenetic analyses misled by convergence? A case study in Texas cave salamanders.Comparative effectiveness research: we must lead (so as not to be misled)When it helps to be misled: Facilitative effects of increasing the frequency of conflicting stimuli in a Stroop-like task