What factors influence mitigative capacity?
Mitigative Effect of La on Glycine max seedlings under Pb-Cd Compound Pollution
Mitigative Capacity – the Mirror Image of Adaptive Capacity on the Emissions Side
Mitigative effect of salicylic acid on salt stress-induced injuries in cucumber seedling
Cyclones and storm surges in Bangladesh: Some mitigative measures
Mitigative effects of salicylic acid and aspirin on salt stress-induced injuries in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Mitigative Effects of Hydration-Dehydration Treatment on Salt Stress -induced Injuries to Tomato Seed Germination
Mitigative techniques for groundwater contamination associated with severe nuclear accidents. Case study analysis of hydrologic char...
A scenario elicitation methodology to map the space of possible future mitigative and adaptative capacity
The Third Hans Cloos Lecture. Urban landslides: socioeconomic impacts and overview of mitigative strategies