- A completely monistic school of Saivism appeared in Kashmir in the early 9th century.
Mind-body. Monistic dual aspect interactionismOn Norton and the Failure of Monistic InherentismOn the Impossibility of a Monistic Account of SpeciesPanic Disorder From a Monistic Perspective - A synthesis from findings with rats, monkeys, and humansPanic Disorder From a Monistic Perspective : Integrating Neurobiological and Psychological ApproachesEleanor Clarke Slagle lecture, 1985: a monistic or a pluralistic approach to professional identity?Why I am Not a Nonanthropocentrist: Callicott and the Failure of Monistic InherentismPredicting identity consolidation from self-construction, eudaimonistic self-discovery, and agentic personality.Procedural and distributive justice are more similar than you think: A monistic perspective and a research agenda.Alkaline component vs. non-parietal components of gastric juice, and monistic vs. pluralistic concept of gastric mucous secretion.