- And it was the same about Monsieur Hamel.
还有阿麦尔先生。 - Bonjour, je voudrais parler a Monsieur Legrand.
Fundamental aspects of HfO2-based high-k metal gate stack reliability and implications on tinv-scaling
A New Screw-Thread Tracheal Endoprosthesis
A sequence in M13 phage detects hypervariable minisatellites in human and animal DNA.
Review on high-k dielectrics reliability issues
A thorough investigation of progressive breakdown in ultra-thin oxides. Physical understanding and application for industrial reliab...
A thorough investigation of progressive breakdown in ultra-thin oxides. Physical understanding and application for industrial reliab...
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 in people with alcohol use disorders: a systematic review and large scale meta-analysis
Evidence for hydrogen-related defects during NBTl stress in p-MOSFETs
Wear-out, breakdown occurrence and failure detection in 18–25 Å ultrathin oxides
Comparison of video-assisted thoracoscopic talcage for recurrent primary versus persistent secondary spontaneous pneumothorax