motive force动力;起动力,原动力
motive power动力
ulterior motive隐秘不明的动机
profit motive利润动机
- Her prime motive was personal ambition.
她的主要动机是为了实现个人的志向。 - I don't understand what his motive is.
我不知道他的动机是什么。 - The police have excluded robbery as a motive for the murder.
警方已排除该谋杀案中有抢劫的动机。 - Can we assign jealousy as the motive for the crime?
我们能否确定这一犯罪动机是出于嫉妒? - His sole motive was to make her happy.
他唯一的目的就是使她幸福。 - This motive had been a stock-in-trade of medieval art.
- The water provides the motive power that turns the mill wheel.
水提供了转动轮子的动力。 - In a case of murder, the police questioned everyone who might have a motive.
在谋杀案里,警察审问了每一个可能有谋杀动机的人。 - The criterion for judging subjective intention or motive is social practice and its effect.
- According to the order,Communist Jiang San motived the mass to fight against the Japanese army.they eradicated the enemy,and killed his brother Jiang Er,who was a traitor.
共产党员蒋三奉命加家乡发动群众开展武装斗争,最后消灭了当地日伪军,除掉汉奸,其兄蒋二。 - His love of money is the only motive that drives him to work so hard.
The achievement motive.
The Strategic Bequest Motive
Ion motive ATPases. II. Energy coupling and work output
Self-Efficacy: An Essential Motive to Learn.
Situated Actions and Vocabularies of Motive
Risk Reduction as a Managerial Motive for Conglomerate Mergers
Life change, the sensation seeking motive, and psychological distress.
The Competitive Saving Motive: Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings Rates in China
Possible molecular mechanisms of the protonmotive function of cytochrome systems.
Remarks upon water wheels, and upon some prevailing errors respecting the application of water as a motive power