The biology of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins.Interindividual variations in constitutive interleukin-10 messenger RNA and protein levels and their association with genetic polymo...Lung changes and cytokine levels in a model of experimental acute pancreatitis.Factors affecting the rate of T-DNA transfer from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to Nicotiana glauca plant cellsConstruction and characterization of the IGF Arabidopsis BAC libraryJäccaron;drzej Sniadecki (1768–1838) on the Cure of RicketsThermoregulation: what role for UCPs in mammals and birds?Epidemiology of systemic lupus erythematosus in a northern Spanish population: gender and age influence on immunological features.Glucocorticoids inhibit IL-4 and mitogen-induced IL-4R alpha chain expression by different posttranscriptional mechanisms.Glucocorticoids increase IL-10 expression in multiple sclerosis patients with acute relapse.