Anti-mullerian hormone in relation to the growth and differentiation of the gubernacular primordia in mice.
Marsupial anti-Mullerian hormone gene structure, regulatory elements, and expression
Minimal antiproliferative effect of recombinant mullerian inhibiting substance on gynecological tumor cell lines and tumor explants.
Testicular anti-Mullerian hormone: clinical applications in DSD.
Sexually dimorphic expression of secreted frizzled-related (SFRP) genes in the developing mouse Mullerian duct.
Hormônio anti-mulleriano: um marcador mais fidedigno da reserva ovariana?
A de novo 10.79 Mb interstitial deletion at 2q13q14.2 involving PAX8 causing hypothyroidism and mullerian agenesis: a novel case re...
Culture in vitro of Prospective Gonads and Gonad Primordia of Mouse Embroys
[Inhibitory capacity of testosterone towards sexual and mammary embryonic primordia]
Antigenic homogeneity of male Mullerian gland (MG) secretory proteins of a caecilian amphibian with secretory proteins of the mammal...