- Philosophical semantics is too abstruse to understand.
哲学语义学深奥难懂。 - Einstein's theory of relativity is very abstruse.
Abstruse neologism formation: parallel processing revisited.Abstruse neologisms, retrieval deficits and the random generatorAbstruse comparisons: the problems of numerical contrasts of two groups.Central poststroke pain: an abstruse outcome.The abstruse meets the applicable: Some aspects of time-frequency analysisA Royal Scam: The Abstruse and Ironic Bop-Rock Harmony of Steely DanAN 'ABSTRUSE' DOCTRINE: THE HISTORICAL-PHILOSOPHICAL MEANING OF EINSTEIN'S RELATIVITY IN FEDERIGO ENRIQUESPossible Functions and Medical Significance of the Abstruse Trace MetalsThe future of critical care research: an abstruse agenda seeking clarity (with government assistance!)CLARIFYING (OR IS IT CODIFYING?) THE "NOTABLY ABSTRUSE": STEP TRANSACTIONS, ECONOMIC SUBSTANCE, AND THE TAX CODE