- The criminal was chained in a murky dungeon.
犯人被链子锁在黑暗的地牢里。 - This murky sort of business would scandalise any country.
Murky conceptual waters: The public and the private
Murky conceptual waters: The public and the private
The murky world of effective dose for cardiovascular CT.
Murky waters: environmental effects of aquaculture in the United States
Meconium aspiration syndrome: reflections on a murky subject.
The murky waters of the second wave of neoliberalism: corporatization as a service delivery model in Cape Town
Cardiac cell volume: crystal clear or murky waters? A comparison with other cell types.
"The collapse of global trade, murky protectionism, and the crisis: recommendations for the G20"
How big does my sample need to be? A primer on the murky world of sample size estimation
Phosphorus mitigation to control river eutrophication: murky waters, inconvenient truths, and "postnormal"science.