用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- sad circumstance糟糕的处境
- sad day悲哀的日子
- sad eyes愁苦的眼睛
- sad fact令人遗憾的事实
- sad fate令人悲伤的命运
- sad memory痛苦的记忆
- sad news不幸的消息
- sad smile悲哀的微笑
- sad state令人遗憾的情况
- sad story令人悲伤的故事
~+动词不定式- sad to be alone孤独使人悲伤
- sad to see sb go看见某人离开很难过
动词+~- feel sad感到悲哀
- look sad看上去悲伤
~+介词- sad about〔at〕 one's grade对自己的分数表示难过
- sad at〔for,with〕 sb's death为某人的逝世而悲痛
- sad about the accident为此事故而悲伤
- sad of appearance愁容
so sad如此悲伤;如此难过
feel sad感到悲伤;心酸
in sad earnest[古语]十分严肃地,一本正经地
sad face愁容
if you are sad若你悲哀
melancholy, unhappy, blue, sad, sorrowful, gloomy
- Her eyes moisten as she listen to the sad story.
听著这悲伤的故事,她的眼睛湿润了。 - My heart broke at the sad news.
知道这悲伤的消息时 - Here we had, not long ago, a very sad funeral in this church.
不久以前,这教会举行了一次悲哀的丧礼。 - What deserves being thoughtful and sad when you are just a child?
小小年纪,有什么值得你心事重重,满腹忧愁? - Don't spend too much time alone, or you'll feel sad.
别一个人呆得太久了,否则你会感到忧伤的。 - It made me sad to hear you have to go away.
听到你非走不可,我觉得很伤心。 - I'll be with you when you feel sad anytime.
不论什么时候,当你感到难过伤心的时候,我都将陪伴着你。 - I'm sad you're leaving.
Mammalian SAD kinases are required for neuronal polarization.
LKB1 and SAD Kinases Define a Pathway Required for the Polarization of Cortical Neurons
The Smad4 activation domain (SAD) is a proline-rich, p300-dependent transcriptional activation domain.
Pattern classification of sad facial processing: toward the development of neurobiological markers in depression.
A differential pattern of neural response toward sad versus happy facial expressions in major depressive disorder
AND WE WERE SAD, REMEMBER? (30 minutes, color, 16 mm or -inch videocassette, 1979). Part of the series Footsteps, produced by the Pu...
Molecular Cloning and Complete Nucleotide Sequence 01 the Attenuated Rabies Vi rus SAD 819
Molecular cloning and complete nucleotide sequence of the attenuated rabies virus SAD B19 ☆
Activation of the amygdala and anterior cingulate during nonconscious processing of sad versus happy faces.
Structured Interview Guide for the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Seasonal Affective Disorder Version (SIGH-SAD)