- Borrower of book-those mutilator of collections, spoiler of the symmetry of shelves, and creator of odd volume.
Female habitual self‐mutilatorsThe plight of chronic self-mutilatorsCoping and problem solving of self‐mutilatorsThe psychopathology of incarcerated self-mutilatorsThe inner experience of the borderline self-mutilator.The Early Maladaptive Schemas of Self-Mutilators: Implications for TherapySelf-Mutilation in Prison: A Comparison of Mutilators and NonmutilatorsSpecial Feature the Inner Experience of the Borderline Self-MutilatorDopaminergic receptor supersensitivity in self-mutilatory behaviour of Lesch-Nyhan disease.The role of impulsivity in self-mutilators, suicide ideators and suicide attempters - a study of 1265 male incarcerated individuals.