- A slit-like endometrial cavity is surrounded by myometrium at the mid-right.
Gap junction formation in myometrium: control by estrogens, progesterone, and prostaglandins
Gap junctions: their presence and necessity in myometrium during parturition.
C‐kit immunopositive interstitial cells (Cajal‐type) in human myometrium
Leukocytes infiltrate the myometrium during human parturition: further evidence that labour is an inflammatory process.
The pattern of interstitial trophoblastic invasion of the myometrium in early human pregnancy.
Immunolocalization of proinflammatory cytokines in myometrium, cervix, and fetal membranes during human parturition at term
Progesterone signaling in human myometrium through two novel membrane G protein-coupled receptors: potential role in functional prog...
Up-regulation of the progesterone receptor (PR)-C isoform in laboring myometrium by activation of nuclear factor-kappaB may contribu...
The endogenous concentration and subcellular distribution of androgens in normal human premenopausal endometrium, myometrium and vag...
Leukocyte density and pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in human fetal membranes, decidua, cervix and myometrium before and durin...